Mike Stone

Mostly The Lonely Howls Of Mike Baying His Ideological Purity At The Moon

On Apple And Google

10 Sep 2024

Today was not a great day if you’re Apple or Google. Today Europe’s top court ruled against both companies in fines they were appealing. In theory, this would mean Apple would owe over $14 billion dollars and Google almost $3 billion. The big question for me is, does this really matter?

I’d like to say that this is going to matter to both of these companies, but I’m not really sure what it will. In August Apple reported quarterly revenue of $85.8 billion. For the quarter. Their second quarter was $90.8 billion. Their first quarter of 2024 was revenue of $119.6 billion. So, in the first three quarters of 2024, Apple’s revenue has been just shy of $300 billion dollars, and the year isn’t done. Suddenly that $14 billion just doesn’t feel like it’s that significant. What makes this even worse is this decision was of an appeal of a decision from 2016. 2016!!!

Google’s story isn’t much different. Quarter 2 of 2024 their revenue was $84.7 billion, and for quarter 1 their revenue was $80.5 billion. Their 3rd quarter isn’t complete yet, but last years Q3 was $64 billion, so I’d guess we can expect something similar this year. Some back of the napkin math estimates Google’s three quarter revenue for 2024 to be around $230 billion, which makes that $3 billion they need to pay look like loose change from their couch cushions. And again, this is an appeal of a case from 2017!!

These companies aren’t going to care about these numbers. They’re small numbers on their sheets. It does illustrate how pathetically slow government and courts move in comparison to technology companies. Tech companies move fast. They don’t mind breaking a law here and there because the bill for it isn’t going to come due for a decade, if ever. I’m celebrating these decisions becaues I think these companies get away with far too much, but these are small victories at best. They’re not going to change the behavior of companies like Apple or Google. They’re barely going to notice them at all.

That’s frustrating.

Day 19 of the #100DaysToOffload Series.

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