Mike Stone

Mostly The Lonely Howls Of Mike Baying His Ideological Purity At The Moon


June 14, 2024

It’s looking pretty dusty around here. As I noted yesterday, it’s been a while since I’ve put anything up. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve done any kind of work on this site in general.

Random Blog Post

June 13, 2024

It’s been a while.

Back to School

July 22, 2023

Well, the title pretty much gives it all away. I’m going back to school. I’ve gotten classes signed up for and I’m ready to begin.

Roughing It

July 10, 2023

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, so I thought that I’d throw something up here to let everybody who reads this but doesn’t follow me on Fosstodon I’m still around. I’ve spent the better part of a week in a rented cabin. Roughing it for the family is having a toaster oven instead of a microwave and internet that’s only in the two to three megabit range. Streaming video to the TV is a little sketchy most days, and it’s only 720p. So, since the tech in our cabin isn’t the greatest, we’ve been swimming and hiking and doing things outdoors. My kids have been less than thrilled by this situation, or at least that’s what they’re saying most of the time. I do occasionally catch them having fun in spite of themsevles though. I’m not looking forward to getting back to the big city and the high temperatures, but it’s coming soon. Not going to rush.

Day 7 of the #100DaysToOffload Series.

Mycroft and Bad Timing

April 10, 2023

If you’ve been reading this page for any length of time, you’ve seen me post more than once about Mycroft. At the end of January, Mycroft CEO Michael Lewis let us in on what’s pretty much the end of Mycroft. There were a variety of factors that finally did Mycroft in, but in my opinion the biggest of those facts was just poor timing.

RSS and Mastodon

April 7, 2023

As someone who approves account requests on Fosstodon, I see a lot of people who are requesting an account to “Follow some person on Mastodon.” I can see where you’d want an account to do that, but if you’re just interested in following someone and not participating by posting, there’s a much easier way.

Back From Vacation

March 21, 2023

The title says it all. I’m back.

Playing with the Front Matter Extension

March 3, 2023

Based on the recommendation of David Wynn over on Fosstodon to Kev, I’m trying out the Front Matter “CMS”.

Complaints About Calendars

February 27, 2023

I think it’s pretty obvious that calendars are super useful. I’m not talking about the kind of calendars you hang from your wall either. I’m talking the digital kind. The kind you have on your phone. Or on your computer. Or as part of your browser. Or as part of a million other things. And therein lies the problem.

The TalkSocket Has Arrived!

January 18, 2023

Quite a while ago, I ordered a TalkSocket. I can’t even remember when at this point. It’s been two years maybe? Today it finally arrived.