Mike Stone

Mostly The Lonely Howls Of Mike Baying His Ideological Purity At The Moon

Mobile Technology

31 Aug 2024

When I was 18, I dialed into a BBS and chatted with people in my local area. Most of us were there because the number was local, and none of us wanted to pay long distance fees. Today, mobile technology makes this seem comical.

Right now, I’m laying on a bed in a hotel room, typing this on my mobile phone. I’m connected to the Internet, and if I was feeling motivated I could use my phone to research and write something meaningful. This is kind of a vacation for me, which is why I’m in a hotel in the first place, so I’m not going to expend that kind of effort, but I could. All the things I can do on my phone now were science fiction 30 years ago.

Day 14 of the #100DaysToOffload Series.

Looking for comments? There are no comments. It's not that I don't care what you think, it's just that I don't want to manage a comments section.

If you want to comment, there's a really good chance I at least mentioned this post on Fosstodon, and you can reply to me there. If you don't have a Mastodon account, I'd suggest giving it a try.

If you don't want to join Mastodon, and you still want to comment, feel free to use my contact information.

Also, don't feel obligated, but if you feel like buying me a ☕ cup of coffee ☕ I won't say no.