Mike Stone

Mostly The Lonely Howls Of Mike Baying His Ideological Purity At The Moon

The Joys of Aging

07 Sep 2024

My eldest had their first sporting event of the year on Thursday. Since they’ve started high school, I’ve tried to volunteer where I can. This year my I can really feel my age.

One of the things I volunteer to do for my kids’ schools is help them pack and carry stuff for their extracurricular activities. There’s always a lot of stuff, and never enough hands to carry it. It feels like the least I can do is offer to carry some of that stuff. I’ve been doing this for a few years now, but this year has started out particularly hard. I think I’ve been more sedentary than I’ve been previous years, which isn’t helping any.

Thursday was the first event for the team, so naturally I was there will a handful of other dads carrying stuff around. It took about 5 hours total. Loading up at the school, unloading at a different school. Hanging out and ferrying water in giant coolers to the team and empty coolers back to get them refilled. Loading the stuff back into the trucks afterwards and then unloading again back at the school. We started about 2:30 in the afternoon and finished up around 11:00 at night. I came home and basically went straight to bed after a couple of Advil.

Friday, I ached. All over. Everywhere. No exceptions.

Today, I’m better, but my legs and arms are still calling me unspeakable things behind my back.

I’m really, really hoping things are improved tomorrow. When I was younger I could bounce back from these things in a day, but these days it’s taking several days to make a recovery. My job doesn’t help since I’m mostly at a keyboard all day every day. Not a whole lot of physical labor involved.

Let’s just hope tomorrow I can go up a flight of stairs without wishing my house had an elevator.

Day 17 of the #100DaysToOffload Series.

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