emacs.ch Is Shutting Down
This isn’t a new development, but it’s something that I only learned today. The Mastodon instance emacs.ch is shutting down as of December 9th, 2024.
On Apple And Google
Today was not a great day if you’re Apple or Google. Today Europe’s top court ruled against both companies in fines they were appealing. In theory, this would mean Apple would owe over $14 billion dollars and Google almost $3 billion. The big question for me is, does this really matter?
A Little Wider Please
This will come as no surprise to people who know me, but I spend a lot of time on Fosstodon. It’s virtually a second job for me. As one of the two founders of the instance (along with Kev), that’s probably expected. Because I spend so much time there and I keep an eye on so much stuff, I don’t like to hop around between screens. I want to have a lot of stuff on the screen at the same time. To accomplish that, I use Mastodon’s advanced web interface. It allows me to put many different feeds on the screen at the same time, similar to how TweetDeck used to work in the old days. My only real day to day complaint is the columns aren’t wide enough. I want a lot of information on my screen, but I would prefer my columns to be just a little wider please.
The Joys of Aging
My eldest had their first sporting event of the year on Thursday. Since they’ve started high school, I’ve tried to volunteer where I can. This year my I can really feel my age.
I'm Bad For Linux
Today I came to a startling realization. I think I’m bad for Linux.
Yubikey Issues
I started using a Yubikey for quite a while now. I picked up the one I’m using now at work. Our corporate IT team just setup a table and asked people if they wanted one, no charge. Why say no to that? It’s worked flawlessly for me for years now. That is until now.
Mobile Technology
When I was 18, I dialed into a BBS and chatted with people in my local area. Most of us were there because the number was local, and none of us wanted to pay long distance fees. Today, mobile technology makes this seem comical.
House Of Failure
I haven’t mentioned this on Fosstodon, or really anywhere online, but my wife and I have been in the middle of purchasing a house. The title of this post is more than a little spoilery, but I’ll tell the sordid tale anyway.
Vivaldi 6.9
Well, Vivaldi is here and installed on my computer. People who have been reading my blog or who have talked to me on Fosstodon will know I’m a huge fan of Vivaldi’s. I can’t claim that I use every feature for the simple reason no one ever does. Vivaldi is packed with so many features you can make it work your way and another Vivaldi user may use it entirely differently, but Vivaldi will be the perfect browser for both of you. So, what’s in 6.9 that’s exciting?
Runner's High
I’ve recently started running again. It’s been a while. For a long time, I did rotating days of a quick mile and a slow three miles. I stopped after I injured my left ankle somehow. I’m not sure what I did to it. I’m American, so I didn’t bother to go to the doctor and have it looked at. Things are starting off again pretty slowly, but I did want to briefly talk about the runner’s high.